Today's blog is catch up in the world of Polycystic Kidney Disease. My last blog was way back on Feb. 14th. Work and life swept me away but now I'm heading back in to shore.
We are coming into the end of National Kidney Month. With my little swim out to sea, I really didn't get to participate much. But its better late than never as they say. I've read so much great information. Not only from our own PKD Foundation and it's chapters but also from many other organizations and foundations that posted inspiring, helpful and healthful information. In this day and age of the internet it is truly amazing the information afforded to us. I thought I'd mention some great sites we as kidney disease patients can always go to and get answers, address our fears, show us how to be as healthy as possible and always give us hope!
PKD Foundation The American Association of Kidney Patients
National Kidney Foundation National Kidney Center
American Kidney Fund Kids Health (have a tab for kids only!)
National Kidney Disease Education Program American Society of Nephrology
Davita Dialysis Centers Fresenius Dialysis Centers
The Nephron Information Center Wikepedia-Chronic Kidney Disease
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearing House (NKUDIC)
I'd like to mention here to remember there's more to National Kidney Month than just reading information about taking care of yourself. Please take time to tell your friends and family to learn about how to take care of their own kidneys so they never have to experience kidney disease.
The above sites are all professional websites but there are so many blogs and FB pages about PKD that I've been discovering, following and reading lately, I just had to include them in today's post. We may be the "great unknown disease" but lord do we have a great community. Taking the time to read some of these will make you laugh and cry. It will make you feel so close to people you've never even met. It is truly so wonderful to feel that you're not alone.
Here are just a few. Do you own searches and please make a comment and let us know the ones we've missed!
PKD Foundation Blogs (a bunch) PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) "Cystahood"
Kidney and Eyes PKD Foundation (open)
Surviving PKD The Fight to Stop PKD (open)
PKD Blog-Life with PKD Polycystic Help and Advice (closed group)
Living with PKD Polycystic Kidney Disease (closed group)
New to PKD Polycystic Awareness Group (closed Group)
Hope you all find a family in these blogs and pages. We have such an amazing community and we say PSHAW to not finding love, family and most of all a cure!
Marlene Stewart
PKD Foundation - Atlanta Chapter
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